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How to Manually Import Credit Card Transactions into QuickBooks Online

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categorize credit card transactions in quickbooks online after importing transactions

Keeping your QuickBooks Online books up-to-date requires regular importing of new credit card transactions. But what if you can’t connect your credit card accounts to direct bank feeds?

Or do you need to import historical transaction data? In these cases, you’ll need to know how to manually import credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online.

In this article, we’ll walk through the end-to-end process for downloading credit card transactions from your bank, converting statements, uploading into QuickBooks Online, categorizing, and reconciling. Let’s get started!

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When Manual Import of Credit Card Transactions is Needed

You may need to manually import credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online if:

  • You don’t use bank feeds to automatically import transactions
  • Your credit card company doesn’t offer direct QuickBooks integration
  • You need to import historical transactions from before connecting your account
  • Errors or issues with bank feeds cause transactions to not import correctly

How to Manually Import Credit Card Transactions Into QuickBooks Online

Manually importing credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online takes just a few steps but following best practices will ensure your data is complete and accurate.

Here is an overview of the end-to-end process:

For converting credit card statements to Excel/CSV follow step 3.

Step 1: Downloading Credit Card Transactions

The first step is to access and download your transaction history from your financial institution’s website:

  • Sign into your bank or credit card’s website and access your account statements. Every bank’s portal will be slightly different.
  • Follow the instructions to download bank transactions. This usually involves selecting a date range and file format.
download credit card transactions from a bank

Note that the download process varies by bank. You may need to do some searching to find where your bank provides transaction downloads.

Common options are PDF, CSV, Excel, and sometimes QBO file formats.

Step 2: Deciding the Date Range for Transactions

When selecting the date range for downloaded transactions, it’s important to avoid duplicate entries in QuickBooks.

Set your download range based on what’s already in QuickBooks:

  • For a new account not already in QuickBooks, download as far back as you need. Often this is the full past year or more of transactions.
  • For an existing account without any transactions imported yet, download back to the opening balance date when you set up the account.
  • For accounts already with transaction history imported, download from the day after your last imported transaction forward.

Step 3: Downloading and Converting Transactions

Once you’ve set the appropriate date range in your bank’s portal, complete downloading the credit card transaction file.

  • Save the file in QBO format if available, as this integrates most cleanly into QuickBooks Online.
  • Otherwise, save it in Excel/CSV format. Both formats work for import.
download credit card transactions to csv or excel

Converting PDF Credit Card Statements

Many banks provide transaction history in PDF format rather than Excel or CSV files. To import PDF credit card statements into QuickBooks Online, you’ll first need to convert them to a compatible file type like Excel or CSV.

DocuClipper allows you to automatically convert any PDF bank and credit card statements to QBO or even Excel and CSV.

pdf credit card statement conversion for importing it into quickbooks online

Read our guide on how to convert bank statements to Excel, CSV, or QBO to learn more.

The benefit of a tool like DocuClipper is it provides an automated way to convert PDF credit card statements into formatted Excel, CSV, or QBO files compatible with QuickBooks Online. This streamlines the process significantly compared to manual conversion and data entry.

CSV to QBO Conversion

For banks that provide transaction downloads as CSV files but not QBO, you can use DocuClipper to instantly convert the CSV files into QBO format for a smoother import experience. (Visit how to convert CSV to QBO for QB Online and Desktop.)

step 2 mapping columns for converting csv to qbo converter docuclipper

QBO files integrate directly into QuickBooks Online with the appropriate headers and formatting, reducing the chance of errors during import.

Step 4: Review the Transactions

Before importing your downloaded credit card transaction file into QuickBooks Online, it’s important to open and review the contents first.

  • Verify the file is in the correct format – it should be either QBO, Excel, or CSV. Scan for any formatting issues that may cause import problems.
  • Check that the file size is under 350 KB – this is the maximum for bank transaction imports into QuickBooks Online. If over this size, shorten the date range and download transactions in smaller batches.
  • Review amounts, dates, and details for accuracy – spot-check transactions against your bank statements to ensure no discrepancies.

Reconciling with DocuClipper

If you used DocuClipper to convert PDF credit card statements, it automatically reconciles credit card statements the converted Excel/CSV/QBO file against the original PDF as part of its accuracy verification. This reconciliation catches any conversion errors.

credit card statement reconciliation for accuracy for importing credit card statements into quickbooks online

You can also easily update any bank extract within DocuClipper before downloading the converted file. This streamlines corrections.

reviewing and updating credit card transactions before importing into quickbooks online

And once done, then you can download the credit card or even bank statements into your preferred output format.

download credit card transactions for quickbooks online

As well as customizing the columns.

customize columns for bank transactions

In summary, carefully reviewing your credit card transaction file pre-import catches any formatting issues, data inaccuracies, or file size problems before uploading into QuickBooks Online.

Services like DocuClipper further assist by automating reconciliation during conversion and enabling transaction edits.

You can also visit our detailed articles on:

Step 5: Uploading Credit Card Transactions to QuickBooks Online

Once you’ve downloaded and reviewed your credit card transaction file, you’re ready to upload it into QuickBooks Online:

  • In QuickBooks Online, navigate to the Transactions page from the left menu bar.
importing credit card transactions into quickbooks online
  • Click the “Upload transactions” button at the top of the transaction list.
importing credit card transactions into quickbooks online
  • In the upload overlay window, select “Select files” and browse your computer to select your downloaded credit card transaction file.
importing credit card transactions into quickbooks online
  • With the file selected, verify the account where the transactions should be uploaded. For new accounts, choose “Create new” and name the account.
importing credit card transactions into quickbooks online
  • Click “Next” and QuickBooks Online will begin importing the transactions.
  • The upload process may take a few minutes depending on the number of transactions. Click “Let’s go” once prompted.
importing credit card transactions into quickbooks online
  • When complete, you’ll see all imported transactions now listed under the designated account name.
importing credit card transactions into quickbooks online

And that’s it! The transactions are now live in your QuickBooks Online account, ready for categorization, reporting, and reconciliation.

Step 6: Categorize Transactions

Once your downloaded bank and credit card transactions are imported into QuickBooks Online, they will appear under the “For Review” tab.

It’s important to review and categorize each transaction before adding it to your books.

categorize credit card transactions in quickbooks online after importing transactions

Here are tips for streamlined transaction categorization:

  • For uncategorized transactions, manually select a category from the dropdown that fits the transaction. Create new categories as needed.
categorizing credit card transactions in quickbooks online
  • Review and confirm/change any suggested categories from QuickBooks autocomplete. Adjust the “Enable suggested categorization” setting as desired.
  • Match transactions that already exist in QuickBooks rather than duplicating. Select “match” from options.
  • Categorize income to sales, customer payments, etc. Categorize expenses to operating costs, payroll, etc.
  • Create bank rules to auto-categorize common recurring transactions for efficiency.

Properly categorizing transactions allows you to generate accurate financial reports by type. Take time to carefully assign categories during the review.

Learn more about how to categorize transactions as well as how to categorize credit card transactions in QuickBooks.

Step 7: Reconcile the Transactions

The final step after importing bank and credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online is reconciling them against your financial institution statements.

Here is a step-by-step process of how you can do that.

  • Access account statements from your bank and credit card companies for the appropriate time period.
  • In QuickBooks Online, go to Settings > Reconcile and select the account to reconcile.
  • Enter the ending balance and date from your statement. Verify the opening balance matches.
reconcile the transactions after importing credit card transactions into qb online
  • Select “Start Reconciling” and begin matching transactions on your statement to those in QuickBooks. Mark matched transactions.
matching credit card transactions quickbooks online for reconciliation
  • Transactions already matched previously during bank feed categorization will be checked. Focus on new transactions.
  • When finished, you should have a zero balance if everything matches between QuickBooks and your statement.
completed reconciled credit card transactions quickbooks online
  • If there is a discrepancy, re-check transaction amounts and dates. Correct any errors.
  • You can finish reconciling with an unresolved difference, but it’s best to identify and fix the cause of the mismatch.
  • When done, transactions are reconciled and you can review the reconciliation history anytime.

Reconciling ensures transactions match between your financial institution and QuickBooks books for accurate reporting. Take time to carefully complete this critical accounting step.

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Post-upload Steps

After uploading your manually downloaded bank transactions into QuickBooks Online, you’ll see all the new transactions now listed under the appropriate account name.

When you have additional transactions in the future, simply repeat the process:

Download the new transactions from your financial institution’s website, setting the date range to avoid duplicates.

Upload the transaction file into the same QuickBooks account.

Remember to take time to properly categorize and match any new transactions before reconciling and double-checking all your transactions.


Manually importing credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online takes just a few steps if you follow the right process.

Be sure to select the appropriate date range when downloading transactions to avoid duplicates. Properly convert PDF statements to Excel/CSV format before uploading. Then once the transactions are in QuickBooks Online, take time to categorize and reconcile them.

With the right prep work, you can manually import credit card transactions seamlessly. Your QuickBooks Online books will stay up-to-date and accurate for financial reporting.

Now you know how to manually import credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online even without direct bank feed connectivity. This will allow you to keep your financial data complete despite any limitations with transaction downloads from your bank or credit card.

Convert Bank & Credit Card Statements to Excel, CSV, or QBO

DocuClipper CTA Blog Post 1

Stop wasting time manually entering data. DocuClipper provides the fastest way to convert PDF credit card and bank statements into formatted Excel, CSV, or QBO files to import into QuickBooks Online.

DocuClipper’s advanced automation eliminates repetitive manual work so you can get transactions into your books with just a few clicks.

Sign up for DocuClipper now to save hours of time and improve accuracy when importing credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online or QuickBooks Desktop.

Get started with DocuClipper today!

FAQs about How to Manually Import Credit Card Transactions into QuickBooks Online

In this section we’re going to answer commonly asked questions about importing credit card transactions into QuickBooks online:

Can I import credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online?

Yes, you can import credit card transactions into QuickBooks Online manually by downloading them from your bank, converting the file if necessary, and uploading it to QuickBooks. This method is useful for importing historical data or when direct bank feeds are unavailable, ensuring your financial records are comprehensive and up-to-date.

Can you import credit card transactions from Excel into QuickBooks?

Yes, you can import credit card transactions from Excel into QuickBooks. However, it’s recommended to convert Excel files into QBO format using DocuClipper for a smoother and more error-free import process, ensuring optimal compatibility and data accuracy within QuickBooks.

How do I handle credit card transactions in QuickBooks Online?

Handle credit card transactions in QuickBooks Online by connecting your credit card account for automatic downloads or manually importing transaction data. Once imported, categorize, match, and add transactions to your books. Regularly reconcile the credit card account, comparing QuickBooks data with your credit card statements to ensure accuracy and completeness in your financial tracking and reporting.

How do I add credit card transactions to QuickBooks?

To add credit card transactions to QuickBooks, navigate to the “Transactions” or “Banking” section, and either connect your credit card for automatic transaction downloads or manually import transactions using a downloaded QBO, CSV, or Excel file from your bank. Once transactions are imported, review, categorize, and approve them to be added to your books, ensuring accurate financial tracking and reporting in QuickBooks.

How do I batch enter credit card charges in Quickbooks online?

To batch enter credit card charges in QuickBooks Online, utilize the “Bank Feed” feature to import transactions in bulk. If your credit card charges are in PDF format, use DocuClipper to convert them into a compatible format like QBO, CSV, or Excel. Then, upload the file to QuickBooks, review, categorize, and approve the transactions in batch, ensuring all charges are accurately recorded and categorized in your financial tracking.

How do you record credit card transactions in accounting?

To record credit card transactions in accounting, create a credit card account in your ledger, and record transactions as they occur. Each transaction should be entered as a credit to the credit card account and a debit to the relevant expense or asset account. Ensure to reconcile the credit card account regularly by comparing statement balances with your ledger, maintaining accurate and verifiable financial records.

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